Tragedy struck Nkana East in Kitwe after a fire broke out in a residential home, killing three family members.

The incident occurred on the night of September 25th, 2024, between 21:00 and 21:30 hours at house number 157 Eagle Street.

The fire, which consumed the entire household, claimed the lives of 72-year-old Benedict Bwalya, his wife, Josephine Nachula Bwalya, aged 60, and their daughter, Mutale Bwalya, aged 40.

The family was asleep when the fire erupted under unclear circumstances.

The incident was reported to Kitwe East Police Station at 23:16 hours by Faith Mwale, 38, a niece to the victims, who lives on Lumbwa Road in Ndeke Village, Kitwe.

Four people were inside the house at the time of the incident, including the couple’s 11-month-old granddaughter who was saved after her mother, Mutale Bwalya, courageously handed her to a neighbor through a window as the fire rapidly spread.

The baby was rushed to a Kitwe Teaching Hospital, where she is now in stable condition.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacwell Mweemba says the exact cause of the fire remains unknown, but police have launched an investigation.
By Lovemore Sondashi

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