The Economic and Financial Crimes Court has ordered that a farm valued at K13.9 million belonging to the daughter of former President Edgar Lungu be forfeited to the state for being a proceed of crime.

The farm is situated in Sinda District, Eastern province.

In a judgement delivered by three judges namely Susan Wanjelani, Pixie Yangailo and Vincent Siloka, the Court has found that Ms. Lungu had no means to acquire and later on develop the property.

The court has also found that through the investigations carried out by the state, Ms. Lungu had no other income generating activities before 2015 and that her known economic activities were between June 11, 2015 to August 31, 2021 and that during the period in question, they amounted to K154, 200, which is far insufficient to have purchased and later on developed the farm in question.

By Darius Choonya

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