


The state has asked the Lusaka High Court to cancel the certificate of title of former President Levy Mwanawasa’s retirement property which was issued to the University Of Lusaka, UNILUS.

Recently, the learning institution repossessed the former President’s retirement property claiming to have bought the said property from money lenders.

This was after former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa, allegedly, failed to pay back borrowed money from shylocks in 2017 amounting to K 1.2 million and used the retirement property as collateral.

But in an affidavit in opposition in support of originating summons, Attorney General Mulilo Kabesha says the certificate of title of the property was erroneously issued to Ms. Mwanawasa instead of being issued to the co-executors of the estate.

Mr. Kabesha says the property has also not yet been handed over to the family of the third Republican President as construction of houses is still underway.


In this matter, an Executor and Trustee of the estate of late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa is demanding to amend the lease of the late former president’s benefit property.

By Darius Choonya

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