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A man identified as Joster Ndyaunzu has been detained at Sinazongwe Police Station for swindling 50 farmers of their produce on pretext that he was going to buy on cash basis in an incident that occurred on the 8th October, 2022.

According to the affected farmers, Mr. Ndyaunzu of Arising Solutions Company was elusive after he took their goods worth undisclosed amounts, but last Thursday he was spotted at a place called Bump around 06:00hours.

The victims say they were prompted to swing into action and apprehended the man when he attempted to flee in a truck.

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Moments after the arrest, scores of farmers thronged the police station that Mr. Ndyaunzu reimbursed the money he got from them because the loss had caused distress on their livelihood.

Some of the farm produce the suspect acquired from farmers include, watermelons, soya beans, maize among others.

Diamond Media could not speak to the suspected swindler who was reported to be behind bars by broadcast time.

By Helga Chibwe

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