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Panic has gripped several families of Kandabwe that live near Collum Coal Mine in Sinazongwe District after the ground developed more cracks.

The aggrieved community that has lived under constant fear from alleged explosions undertaken at Shaft 3, claims the situation is getting worse.

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Residents further allege that gaping holes in the ground on their properties is evidence that soon a calamity may occur, especially that even houses now have more cracks than ever before.

But a mine senior representative, Charles Ndindiwe, apparently refutes the claim that a Technical Report has different findings on the cause of the cracks.

When asked to avail Diamond Media contents of the Technical Report, Mr. Ndindiwe declined.

Meanwhile, Sinazongwe Member of Parliament, Gift Sialubalo, has cautioned Collum Coal Mine to implement measures that will both prevent loss of life and property.

This is not the first time the community around the famous coal mine has sounded alarming over an alleged similar matter.

By Helga Chibwe

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