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The Mazabuka Magistrate Court has fined a financial officer at an unnamed money lending institution K15, 000 for having an affair with a married woman.

This is in a matter in which Oliver Masaka, aged 34, a driver at Chainama Hospital in Lusaka sued Tendai Muleya, financial officer at an unnamed money lending institution, for having an affair with his wife, Diana Nalupya, an officer at Mazabuka Correctional Facility.

When the matter came up for hearing, Oliver Masaka demanded for K40 000 from Muleya for committing adultery.

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The plaintiff narrated that the duo spent a night together after one of their drinking sprees.

He told the court that the defendant drives his wife’s car and parks it at his workplace.

In defence, Muleya denied having an affair with Nalupya but admitted driving her car, saying that he was engaged by Nalupya to chauffer her.

In delivering judgement, Mazabuka Local Court Resident Magistrate, Regent Zandu, fined Muleya K15, 000 for marriage interference.

By Helga Chibwe

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