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A family of eight in the Mashinge area of Samfya has been left in despair after a devastating lightning strike sparked a fire that consumed their entire home. The incident, which occurred during a heavy storm, reduced their house to ashes, leaving the family homeless and without basic necessities.

The blaze destroyed everything, including vital farming inputs crucial for the family’s livelihood. Tragically, no belongings were salvaged from the inferno. This catastrophic loss has left the family struggling to rebuild their lives from scratch.

The mother of the family has made a heartfelt appeal to well-wishers for assistance. She has specifically requested a tent to provide temporary shelter and school supplies for the children, who have been unable to attend school since the fire.

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This family’s plight highlights the urgent need for community support and intervention to help them regain stability and rebuild their lives. Those willing to assist are encouraged to provide any form of help, whether material or financial, to help the family recover from this tragic event.

For donations or inquiries on how to assist, please contact the local community leaders in Mashinge or the relevant authorities in Samfya District.
By Kalombe Kapompe

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