Gold-gate suspect, Shadreck Kasanda, has told the Lusaka Magistrates Court that officers from the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), allegedly, threatened to charge him with aggravated robbery if he did not bribe them.
Explaining his Wednesday disappearance from court, Kasanda testified that he was snatched by DEC officers and driven to Kabulonga FNB branch to withdraw K5 million to give them.
Kasanda emotionally narrated that after he refused to give the officers money, he was taken to the Police Command Centre where he was tortured while officers demanded more money amounting to $10 million dollars.
Kasanda further testified that prior to his disappearance on Wednesday, lawyer Zevyanji Sinkala, allegedly, approached him at Chimbokaila Correctional facility demanding $3 million dollars in order to secure his release.
By Rhodah Mvula