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Lack of a functional Bus station in Kazungula district which borders the country with Botswana has dismayed residents who say travelers are now forced to hitchhike, threatening their safety.

This is despite the fact the Council, with the support of German Development Bank KFW, had pumped in over seven million Kwacha to construct a modern facility in 2018, but to date, works have stalled with contractor not on site.

A spot check at the site found overgrown grass, and an uncompleted structure that has now become a den of thieves, with some traders sometimes using it as shelter from the rains.

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However, Kazungula Town Council Public Relations Officer, Mercy Mwale, says the authority is aware of the challenge and attributes the delays to depleted funds.

She explains that not all hope is lost on the project as extra resources have been secured through Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to complete the remaining works once procurement processes are finalized.

By Memory Nyambe

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