Savenda Group of Companies, Chief Executive Officer Clever Mpoha and former Defense Permanent Secretary Stardy Mwale have applied before the Economic and Financial Crimes Court to have their corruption charges withdrawn.

This is because the state has asked for another adjournment due to the fact that consent for prosecution has not been granted by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

In making the application, lawyer Milner Katolo says the conduct of the state is an abuse of the criminal system and violates article 180 of the constitution.

But in delivering the ruling, Magistrate Silvia Munyina granted the state’s application for an adjournment, but however, says it is unacceptable for the state to make an application for adjournment twice.

In this matter, Mr. Mpoha and Mr. Mwale are facing two counts of alleged corruption charges involving 200,000 dollars.

The said money is alleged to have been given to Mr. Mwale as an inducement to facilitate the payment of management fees to Africa Academy emanating from a contract for the supply of uniforms to the Ministry of Defense.

The matter comes up on 21st November 2022, for possible plea and ruling on whether the state can avail the names of their witnesses.

By Darius Choonya