Stakeholders in the mining sector have expressed excitement over the unconfirmed shortlisting of investors to take over the troubled Mopani Copper Mines.
On Monday June 19th 2023 Reuters reported that four firms have been shortlisted in the race to buy Mopani Copper Mines, naming China’s Zijin Mining and Norinco Group, South Africa’s Sibanye Stillwater and an investment vehicle owned by ex-Glencore Official.
A non-governmental organisation, Action for Development says the shortlisting of the would-be investors has given hope to Zambians that soon an investor will be seen at the mining firm to start serious operations.
Organisation Executive Director, Joseph Simumba has however, indicated that care should be taken by the government to conduct a proper background check of each and every shortlisted investor in order to understand their previous operations with regard to tax payments and employees conditions of service.
Meanwhile, Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Paul Kabuswe has not confirmed the report but that a comprehensive statement will be issued later on the matter.
By Rogan Labika