By Concerned Citizen
Fixing a car’s suspension ranks in the top five most expensive costs when it comes to owning a car.
Usually damaged suspension is as a result of driving through bad roads that are neglected by relevant authorities over a period of time.
In Chelston Obama of Lusaka, like many parts of residential areas around the city, some roads need urgent rehabilitation but inertia from council worsens the state of township roads.
But the gaps to fix roads have over the years, given rise to unemployed young men taking advantage of the problem, by temporarily mending potholes and in turn get monetary assistance from motorists in varying amounts of K100 to K300 a day.
However, their frequent presence on the deplorable sections of roads has landed the young men in trouble, they claim the police accuses them of obtaining money by false pretenses.
They deny the charge because they are simply assisted by cheerful givers for their patriotism to improve areas whose roads are neglected by authorities.
What are your thoughts on this matter?
By Concerned Citizen