

The Constitutional Court has ruled that Bowman Lusambo and Joseph Malanji are not disqualified from contesting the Kabushi and Kwacha parliamentary seats.

In this matter, Mr. Lusambo and Mr. Malanji were seeking an interpretation of Article 72(4) of the Constitution on whether an election nullified by the court means a disqualification from re-contesting.

The petition was filed following the refusal by Electoral Commission of Zambia to accept the nomination of Mr. Malanji and Mr. Lusambo because their seats were nullified by the court.

In a summary judgment delivered by the Constitutional Court, Justice Palan Mulonda says nullification and disqualification does not mean the same and cannot be used interchangeably.

Speaking after the ruling, Attorney General Mulilo Kabesha says the state is now anxiously waiting to know the outcome of this case before the High Court following the stance by the constitutional court.

And Makebi Zulu, lawyer representing the petitioners says the Electoral Commission of Zambia overstepped its boundaries and was supposed to ask the court for clarification before refusing to accept the nominations of the petitioners.

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