


The court case involving Livingstone Mayor Constance Muleabai, who is accused of accepting a bribe to facilitate the cancellation of property rates, has been postponed to May 29, 2025, for plea and commencement of the trial.

Ms. Muleabai was scheduled to enter her plea on March 24, 2025, but the proceedings were adjourned because the magistrate handling the matter, Senior Resident Magistrate, Liya Kabalata, was engaged with other cases.

In this case, Constance Nalishebo Muleabai faces two counts of corrupt practices with a private entity, in violation of section 20(1) read together with section 41(a) of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act No. 3 of 2012.

The first count alleges that on an unspecified date between August 1 and September 31, 2023, in her role as Livingstone Mayor, Ms. Muleabai corruptly solicited K120,000 from Mark Gabites, the owner of Zam Nuka Farm Limited.

The second count alleges that during the same period and from the same individual, the mayor is accused of corruptly soliciting and obtaining K180,000 in cash as a bribe, intended to secure a 100% remission of the property rates bill owed to the Livingstone City Council for a transaction involving Zam Nuka Farm Limited, a private entity.
Gabriel Josia Muuba


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