Expired Drinks Before Their Disposal

Kawambwa Town Council through its Public Health department has seized assorted expired drinks in the Central Business District (CBD), which include energy drinks, soft drinks and beer.

Kawambwa Town Council Public Relations Officer, Joel Kashi, says the local authority has been conducting routine inspections in restaurants and shops to ensure compliance.

He adds that it is also a way to safeguard the lives and health of consumers from unsafe, counterfeit and expired products.

Mr. Kashi has advised business owners in the district to adhere to the public health Act Cap 295 on Sanitation and the Food and Health Act number 07 of 2019 of the laws of Zambia.

He says failure to do so, the local authority will not hesitate to enforce the law on any business which will be found wanting.

He has since implored members of the public to report anyone selling expired products to the local authority.