The US Embassy writes…
The house of Kamala Harris is now Head Office for Lawrence Sikutwa & Associates Limited (LSA).
LSA is one of Zambia’s leading Insurance, Financial and Investment services company.
Founder, Sikutwa and USA Embassy staff were on hand to receive her.
Kamala Harris visited the site of her maternal grandfather’s home in Lusaka, where he lived as an Indian public servant in the 1960s.
P.V. Gopalan was working with the newly independent Zambian government six decades ago on refugee resettlement and lived at 16 Independence Ave., where Harris visited as a little girl.
The home no longer exists; rather, an office building now stands on the plot of land.
The location was identified using plot numbers in public records and land surveys, according to a White House official.
Harris on Friday said it was “very special” to go back, and she described her grandfather as “one of my favorite people” with a lasting influence on her life.
“He believed in the nobility of public service, he believed in fighting corruption,” she said.
“These are things he would talk about a lot, and I don’t think until I was older, I realized how that subconsciously influenced the way I think.”