The Economic and Financial Crimes Court has convicted and sentenced former accountant at the Ministry of Finance Charles Loyana and his wife Susan, for being in possession of 51 houses believed to be proceeds of crime to three years imprisonment.

In this matter, the couple was facing two counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime and concealing the said properties contrary to the laws of Zambia.

In passing Judgement, Magistrate Faides Hamaundu found that the prosecution team proved its case beyond reasonable doubt.

Magistrate Hamaundu says the value of the properties and the couple’s income did not correspond and that there is no record of them receiving money from a Tanzanian national for the construction as they claimed.

The court has however acquitted Ms. Sinkala in the second count of concealing property because the prosecution did not prove the case against her.

By Rhodah Mvula