A 26-year-old Kitwe based dog awareness consultant has advised dog breeders to desist from breeding dogs with any dog type.
Michael Chipili, founder of Chipili pets has told Diamond News that negligence, irresponsibility, acquiring a dog type that is not suitable for cross breeding are the major factors that cause violent behaviour in some dogs.
Chipili has advised dog owners against confining their dogs but rather take care of them just like a child and socialize them with family and people within vicinity.
Recent cases of dog attacks include an 11-year-old boy of Lusaka whose left hand was amputated and an 11-month-old baby who died after the ordeal in Mungule area.
Meanwhile, one person died after being bitten by a rabid dog in Chitandika area of Chipangali District in Eastern Province last week.
The same dog also bit two other people.
By Tito Kalama