Following the drought experienced in the last rain season, Zambians are headed for a sigh of relief from the 2024/2025 rainy season.

Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Mike Mposha has disclosed in a ministerial statement that early rain will commence next month across Western and Northern Provinces.

However, Mr. Mposha says there will be delayed rainfall in the North-Eastern part of the country, including Luangwa, Chirundu and Gwembe Districts to the south.

He adds that parts of the country that will experience normal to above normal rainfall will likely experience flash floods leading to damage to infrastructure, while fungal and waterborne diseases like cholera, and typhoid may resurface.

Equally, the Minister says malaria transmission may occur, while dry spells and pest infestation may be recorded in areas that will experience normal to below rainfall.

Rain is expected to cease in the half of Southern Province in mid-March 2025 and end of April for Eastern, Northern parts of Luapula and Northern Provinces.

Over six million people have been affected as a result of drought which caused a 50 percent reduction in maize production.

By Victoria Kayeye Yambani

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