A devastating fire broke out at Tokyo Way Market in the Misisi area of Lusaka, claiming the lives of two individuals and leaving one person seriously injured. The incident occurred around 23:00 hours on Tuesday night when unknown assailants set fire to three shops owned by Mr. Max Ng’andu.

According to an eyewitness, Kennedy Kabinda, the fire was started intentionally using tires, chairs, and brooms. Kabinda, who works as a guard at the market, described the events leading up to the tragedy. He explained that earlier in the evening, security guards had apprehended one of the suspected criminals, which sparked a confrontation. In retaliation, the criminals returned later and deliberately ignited the fire.

Three other guards who had sought refuge within the shops were tragically caught in the blaze. The bodies of the two deceased victims have been transported to the University Teaching Hospital mortuary.

Mr. Ng’andu, the owner of the affected shops, has revealed that the fire caused significant property damage, with losses estimated at over K100,000. The incident has left the community in shock and mourning, as they grapple with the loss of lives and livelihoods.

Authorities are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the fire and searching for the individuals responsible for the crime.

By Peter Zunda Jr

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