Residents of Kamwala South whose houses were damaged and submerged in flush floods are still waiting to be relocated and provided with relief aid by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).

Over 200 households in the area were affected by the floods and lost valuables.

Of the over 200 families, 25 who were most hard hit have not yet been relocated since then.

One of the affected, Annie Miyoba, who has since abandoned her house as it remains flooded has been spending nights wherever nightfall finds her.

Ms. Miyoba, 67, is asking for assistance in the form of temporary shelter from authorities.

The Kamwala Ward Councillor, Mainda Simaata, tells Diamond News that the affected residents are still waiting for DMMU to deliver on the promise of relocating them and providing relief food and non-food items.

By Tito Kalama