A total number of 8,790 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were recorded countrywide during the Third Quarter of 2022 comprising of 6,303 recorded as criminal cases while 2,487 were non-criminal cases translating to 71.7% and 28.3% respectively. This is in comparison to 4,042 GBV cases recorded in the same period of 2021.
The Third Quarter of 2022 Gender Based Violence disaggregated data indicates that 2,101 child victims were abused countrywide representing 23.9% of all the victims of Gender Based Violence out of the 2,101 Children, 1,640 were girls representing 78.1% while 461 were boys representing 21.9%.
A total of 5, 043 women and 1,646 men were abused countrywide representing 57.4% and 18.7% respectively.
In terms of gender vulnerability, a total of 6,683 were females representing 76% and 2,107 were males representing 24% were abused during the period under review countrywide.
Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of GBV criminal cases with 1,375 cases translating to 21.8%, followed by Copperbelt Province with 922 cases translating to 14.6%.
Airport Division recorded the lowest GBV criminal cases with 32 cases translating to 0.5%.
GBV Criminal Statistics from the rest of the Provinces were as follows; Central Province had 840 cases translating to 13.3%, Luapula Province 645 cases translating to 10.2%.
Western Province 583 cases translating to 9.3%, Southern Province 449 cases translating to 7.1%, and Eastern Province 445translating to 7.1%, North-Western Province 408 cases translating to 6.5%, Mchinga Province 349cases translating to 5.5%, Northern Province195 cases translating to 3.1% and Tazara Division 60 cases translating to 1%.
The Zambia Police Act N0: 14 of 1999 mandates Victim Support Unity officers to provide professional counselling to both victims of crime and offenders.
The Third Quarter Statistical Report indicates that a total number of 7,282 or 82.8% were counselled by Victim Support Unit officers countrywide.5, 058 or 69.5%counseled were under the criminal cases category where as 2,224 or 30.5% were counselled under the non-criminal cases category.
Out of the 5,058counseled under the criminal cases category, 3,356 or 66.4% were victims comprising 609or18.2% were men, 1,662or 49.5%` were women, 193 or 5.7% were boys and 892or 26.6% were girls.
1,702 or 33.6% were offenders in which 253or15% were men, 842or49.5% were women, 120 or 7% were boys and 487or 28.6% girls.
Out of 2,224 counselled in the non-criminal case category, 1,276 or 57.4%were women, 740 or 33.3%were men, 85 or 3.8% were boys and girls were 123 or 5.5%.
Twenty-Eight 28 cases of Sodomy were reported during the period under review representing 3.7% of which 18 were boys translating 64.3%, Nine men translating to 32.1% and One woman translating to 3.6%.
Out of the 28 Sodomy cases, 10 are pending in court, 17 are still under investigations whilst one case was closed at the Police Station.
A total of 540 cases of Child defilement translating to 70.7% were recorded, of which all were girls representing 100 % of all the reported cases.
Under Physical Abuse, a total number of 3,366 cases were recorded translating to 53.4% compared to 2,427cases recorded in during the same period in 2021. The figure showings an increase by 939 cases or 38.7%.
Under Economical Abuse 1,535 cases were recorded translating to 24.4% compared to 692 cases recorded in 2021 showing an increase by 843 cases or 54.9% increase.
Under Sexual Abuse 1,000 cases were recorded translating to 15.9% compared to 685 cases recorded in 2021showing an increase by 315 cases or 31.5%.
Under Emotional Abuse 398 cases were recorded translating to 6.3% compared to 224 cases in 2021 showing an increase by174 cases or 77.7%.
The 2022 Third Quarter GBV Criminal Report indicates that 764 Sexual offenses were recorded representing 16.1% compared to 713 cases reported in 2021 showing an increase by 51cases translating to 7.2%.
Out of these 764 cases, 567victims were girls translating to 74.2%, 184 victims were women translating to 24.1%, 10 victims were boys translating to 1.3%, while three victims were men translating to 0.4%. 28 cases of Sodomy were recorded representing 3.7% in which 18 were boys translating 64.3% and 9 were men translating to 32%.
A total of 540 cases of Child defilement cases were recorded translating to 70.7% in which all the victims were girls representing 100 % of all the reported cases.
Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 145 cases translating to26.9% of all child defilement cases reported country wide.
Eastern Province recorded 92 cases translating to 17 %, followed by Southern Province with 89cases translating to 16.5%.
Central Province recorded 60 cases translating to11.1%, Copper belt and North-Western Provinces recorded 45 cases each translating to 8.3% while Northern and Western province recorded 22 each representing 4.1% Muchinga Province recorded 15 cases translating to 2.8%.Luapula Province recorded five representing 0.9%. Airport and Tazara Division recorded Nil.
Still under Sexual Offences; 122 rape cases were recorded in which 111 were women while 11 were girls.
31 attempted rape cases were recorded during the period under review.
The country also recorded 50 cases of indecent Assault out of which 40 victims were women and 10 girls. 20 cases of incest were recorded in which 15victims were girls and five victims were women.
Under Physical Abuse, the country recorded a total of 3,366 cases translating to 53.4% in which 533 victims were men translating to 15.8%, 2,521 were women translating to 74.9% cases, 171 were girls translating to 5.1% and 141were boys translating to 4.2% compared to 2,427cases recorded in 2021 Third Quarter showing an increase by 939 cases translating to 38.7%.
Out of 3,366 Physical Abuse cases 2,939 were Assault OABH cases representing 87.3% of all the reported Gender Based Violence cases.
2,521 translating to 74.9% were women while 533 translating to 15.8% were men.
36 cases of Grievously Bodily Harm (G.B.H) were also recorded.31women and five men translating to 86% and14% respectively.
22 Murder cases were recorded during the period under review translating to 0.7% compared to 20 cases recorded in 2021 third Quarter showing an increase by two cases translating to10% increase.
Out of 22 murder cases recorded country wide, 12 victims were Women translating to 54.5%, six victims were men translating to 27.2%, and four victims were girls translating to 18.2%. While boys recorded Nil.
Four cases of attempted murder comprising of three women and one boy was recorded during the period under review compared to two cases recorded in 2021 Third Quarter showing an increase by two cases translating to 100%.
2, 939 cases of Assault OABH were recorded compared to 2,427 cases recorded in 2021 Third Quarter showing an increase by 512 cases translating to 21.1%
Lusaka province recorded 612 cases of Assault OABH translating to 20.8%.
Central Province recorded 517cases translating to 17.6%.
Copper belt Province recorded 303 translating10.3% Western Province recorded 289 representing 9.8%; Southern Province recorded 259 representing 8.8% ,North-Western Province recorded 240cases representing 8.1%, Muchinga Province recorded 227representing 7.7%.
Eastern Province recorded 169 cases representing 5.8%. Luapula Province recorded 163 cases representing 5.5%, Northern Province recorded 105 cases translating to 3.6%, Tazara recorded 54 cases representing1.8% and Airport Division recorded one case at 0.03%.
Under Economic Abuse, 1,535 cases were recorded country wide translating to 24.4%. 694 cases of Failing to Provide Necessaries of life and 636 cases of Neglecting to Provide Necessaries were recorded translating to 45.2% and 41.4%.
Further, under Emotional or Psychological abuse, 398 cases were recorded translating to 6.3%.
168 cases of the use of Insulting language 73 men, 95 women Nil boys and girls.
58 cases of threatening Violence were recorded in which 14 victims were men, 43 women and one boy.
Finally, out of the 6,303 GBV criminal cases reported countrywide, 1,214 cases representing 19.3% were taken to court resulting in 150 convictions translating to 12.4%, 12 acquittals or 1%, 207withdrawals or 17.1% and 845 or 69.6% pending in various courts of law around the country.
On the other hand, 2,581 cases are still pending under investigations while 2,508 cases were withdrawn at police stations translating to 50.7% and 49.3% respectively.
A comparison with the Third Quarter of 2021 which recorded 4,042 cases compared to 6,303 cases recorded in 2022 showing an increase of 2,261 cases or 55.9%.
Rae Hamoonga