More than hundred trucks carrying coal from different mines in Sinazongwe District in Southern Province are stuck following a heavy downpour on Wednesday that has left the Maamba-Batoka Road damaged.

Concerned road users have called on government to quickly intervene and ensure that the road is worked on before the situation escalates.

And Senior Chief Mweemba’s Royal Establishment Council is saddened by the situation fearing that if left unchecked, it could lead to accidents along the road.

And Sinazongwe District Commissioner Nchimunya Siakole has told Diamond News that recent efforts by Maamba Collieries Coal Mine to patch up the potholes has only worsened the situation.

Mr Siakole has called on government through the Ministry of Infrastructure to quickly intervene saying the district might be cut off from the rest of the country thus affecting the transportation of coal.

By Helga Chibwe