The Economic and Financial Crimes Court has refused to quash corruption charges against former Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary in charge of administration, Kakulubelwa Mulalelo.

In this matter, Ms. Mulalelo with other former Ministry of Health Officials are accused of willfully failing to follow applicable law and procedure in awarding a contract to IVECO South Africa worth 13.8 Million dollars for the supply and delivery of 50 ambulances.

On Monday when the matter came up for plea, Ms. Mulalelo, through her lawyer Tutwa Ngulube, applied to have the charge against her quashed or in the alternative, be tried separately from other accused persons.

She argued that she has at no time ever been a member of the ministerial committee for procurement as such, she could not be jointly charged with others.

But in making the ruling, Magistrate Sanford Ngobola has dismissed Ms. Kakulubelwa’s application saying whether she has been properly taken to court is a question of evidence since she allegedly committed the offence with other persons.

Darius Choonya